asking for trouble

September & October 2024 Recap

Here’s a look back at the last couple of months with photos, blog posts, plans & goals progress, links and more.

instagram marcelinesmith

What I’ve been up to

After a horrible summer of bad news, things are starting to turn around and my luck is improving so fingers crossed I can end the year with some positivity. One thing I’ve been dealing with is potentially having to leave my home of 10 years but thankfully I had a nice landlord who made the extra effort to find a buyer who would take me too so now I have nice new landlord who wants me to stay forever. Removing some of this stress has helped me regain some enthusiasm to work on my shop and I have some new things happening. I’ve also been doing some crafts, reading a lot and photographing many sponsored things.

Recent blog posts

My posts on Super Cute Kawaii

Plans & Goals Progress

  • Books, Comics & Zines I Read in 2024 – 9 more, 3 ahead of schedule.
  • I went out on my bike! And it went way better than I hoped so more rides to come (Scottish weather permitting…).
  • I technically designed some new products, though they are all variations of existing products/artwork.
  • I forgot this last time but Northumberland was another UK day/overnight trip.

Links I Loved

  • It was the 20th anniversary of LOST last month and I am loving all the articles – and just finished a rewatch myself. Episodic Medium has a fascinating 3 part discussion between 3 critics from the time about Lost’s impact on TV criticism and I’m very much enjoying reading their book.
  • I’m also looking forward to literary agent Kate McKean’s upcoming book on publishing as her Substack is a reliably great read. What I Say to Writers Who Pitch Me at Conferences is full of such good advice that also mostly applies to any kind of monetised project, e.g. “Is this [the book] you want to talk about for the next 2-5 years?”
  • And I am currently trying to talk myself out of spending £30 on KILLED (OF KIDS): A Book By Huggy Bear but they were such a huge influence on me, as a band, zinesters, intro to Riot Grrl, politics etc.
  • Rosecrans Baldwin writes about something I also love: “People who only appear occasionally, who pop up once in a while to do a very specific thing before disappearing again, are a lovely phenomenon these days.” Also a reminder for anyone who thinks it’s too late to come back to blogging or whatever. It isn’t! People who miss you will be so delighted.
  • For future reference: A week of eating at the Edinburgh Fringe from The Boy Who Bakes.
  • More Japan Super Budget Dining at SoraNews24 – this time how to spend ¥1,000 at Mister Donut (please let me!).
  • Please also teleport me directly to the Suica penguin shop & cafe.
  • I completed my Compendium run of Tears of the Kingdom, and it only took me just over a year (!) I wrote about it on my Zelda Tumblr and there’s loads more posts on there too. Feel free to boop me (I love Tumblr).
  • I think we did an awesome job with our Reel for the Halloween TokyoTreat box.
  • Random new hobby – watching full playthroughs of Zelda games I’m never going to play (or replay). The BeardBear channel is perfect in my opinion – no chat and no messing around or doubling back. I watched Wind Waker recently and it’s such an amazing and hilarious game – but it also removed any lingering wish to finally complete the game (too many boss fights at the end).
  • A reminder that I share all my kawaii & Japan links on the Super Cute Kawaii newsletter. It’s free!


Hello! I’m Marceline Smith, the designer and owner of Asking For Trouble. I create illustrated stationery, accessories and gifts using my cute characters inspired by Japanese kawaii. This is my business and personal blog where I write about my creative doings, inspirations, travels, Japan trips and daily life. Read more »

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All text, photos and illustrations are © Marceline Smith 2007-2024 unless credited otherwise. You may repost my images with full credit and link. However, do not reproduce full posts without my permission or use my images or writing for commercial purposes. Thank you!


All opinions are my own and I am not compensated or sponsored for writing about any products or services featured unless stated in the post. Links to shops and websites may be affiliate links – I receive a small commission from your orders at no cost to you, which helps me fund this site. I do not accept advertising.