Although I was only Up North for a few days, I have two exciting outings to post about. The first is the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses in Fraserburgh. We’ve been meaning to go for a while and I’m glad we finally got there.
The museum is pretty big, considering, and has lots of good info, models, and lighthousey stuff, plus some amazing maps I would like to own. Much fun can be had playing with all the mirrors that make lighthouses work.
You also get a guided tour of the lighthouse since it’s no longer used, there being a boring automated one now. We got to see how everything works, how the lighthouse keeper lived (since the rooms are left as they were when last used) and then out on to two of the balconies. It was very windy the day we went but there were still some great views. The final set of steps up to the light are a little on the scary side – I wouldn’t like to go up there multiple times a day.
All in all, it was interesting and good fun, and I feel like I know a lot more about lighthouses now. If you ever find yourself in Fraserburgh (why?) then you should definitely visit. Lots more photos on my Flickr if you’re interested.