I was in Glasgow last week and pretty much all I bought were things for the kitchen. I really love having my very own kitchen and finding cute but useful things to fill it with. I’ve been wanting a cast iron casserole for ages, but they are so expensive. I was very tempted by some lovely colourful ones in Sainsburys for just £30, but was really glad I didn’t buy one as when I went to add it to my online wishlist, I discovered they’re half price just now – £15! Obviously I ordered one immediately and as soon as it arrived, I made some awesome stew and dumplings. The quality seems pretty great so I recommend you get on this if its something you’re after too. Annoyingly, the only colour not on sale is the teal, which was my favourite, but I’m happy enough with the aqua.
I also finally got a stick blender, so soup is happening today. I might revisit my Soup of Awesome (recipe in Oddments #1) and share my noodle version later this month.