What I’ve been spending my money on lately, plus a few gifts!
I’ve got a huge enamel pin wishlist and started picking up my favourites including this tiny cutie from I Like Cats. I need to share my updated collection with you soon.
I’ve also been adding to my stationery collection with an order from Yozo Craft. The notebook just reminds me so much of Japan.
The Mr Cheese stickers are my favourite! How great are these? I reviewed all this over at Super Cute Kawaii if you want to know more.
And who knew M&S have been adding kawaii to their range? I got these adorable bunny stickers for £1.5o and they have Pusheen stationery too.
Boden have been handing out the £10 vouchers liberally so I couldn’t resist a sparkly spotty stripy breton top, plus I got a really comfy dress and have got my eye on this dress too.
Laura has been having a clearout and I picked up a little snake to add to my ever-growing plush display.
I don’t often keep the things I get sent to review at SCK as my house would be overwhelmed but I fell pretty hard for this fluffy ferret plush. How can you resist that face!
And I brought a little bit of Iona back with me. It’s a KeepCup, made of glass that really does keep your tea hot for way longer than a mug, so great for absent-minded creatives! I’ve been using it a lot on these chilly afternoons.