I’ve been setting a reading challenge on Goodreads for two years now and it’s definitely helping me read more. I have a tendency to drift back to comfort (re)reading when I’m busy or ill, so this makes me pick up new and more challenging books (Goodreads allows you to include rereads but I don’t). My 2018 challenge was 60 books and I just managed it with 61!

You can see some fun stats on Goodreads – I actually read less pages this year, even though I read four more books. Here’s a breakdown:
- 40 fiction
- 21 non fiction
- 38 ebooks
- 23 real books
- 15 library books
- 30.5 female authors / 30.5 male authors (how did I manage that?)
- 15 comics (+ additional zines/manga chapters)
- 12 rated 5/5
- 33 rated 4/5
- 16 rated 3/5
If you’d like some recommendations, I wrote about all the books, comics & zines I rated 5 stars.

For 2019, I’ve gone back down to 52 books, with the added challenge of including all the books on my bedside table in that number, as some have been sitting there for 2 years.