I bought some rainbow drawers for my studio and I love them so much. Let me show you what I’m using them for.

My shop products were all over the place and getting annoying to find on shipping days so I decided to throw some money at the problem. Two of these units fit perfectly in the space I was previously using badly to stack up a bunch of boxes and I get a standing height surface to use too.

It was enormous fun organising my products in the drawers and I was able to recycle so many old cardboard boxes. I thought about buying a label maker but washi tape does the job and is easy to remove if I change things up. Let’s look at what’s inside all the drawers!

I’ve pretty much ordered things by how often I need them with stationery on the left and accessories on the right. Fruit & Veg postcards are my top sellers and fit so perfectly! I need to figure out some dividers for the pins & brooches but it’s still easier to see what I have in stock.

Stickers and business cards on the left, Ghosts on the right. I’m not sure yet whether it’s good to keep the ghosts isolated or if it will just encourage them into more mischief.

Washi tape on the left, miscellaneous pins, brooches and keyrings on the right.

Meal Planners on the left (that again fit so perfectly!). Larger size wooden brooches on the right.

Shopping Lists on the left. Spiral notebooks and the last few packaged gift wrap sets on the right. I’m still figuring out new packaging for those.

Busy Bee Organisers on the left. Fabric pencil cases and coin purses on the right.

Seconds and other random stuff for the lucky bags on the left. Zines & books on the right.

Wooden Bumblebees (and some unpackaged enamel pins at the back) on the left. Postcards and paper cut art on the right.

On the top, my polymer stamps are all stored in these amazing tiny boxes that are the perfect size. It’s so much easier to see what’s running low.

And all my badges are stored in these cases. By the way, I do realise the irony of buying plastic storage while removing plastic packaging from my products but these are all really great quality and easy to resell if I stop needing them.

A lot of this stuff was previously stored in my hall cupboard but now I just have some extras of large items like notebooks and zines, all my cards and coloured envelopes, and boxes with all my wooden pin blanks and attachments ready for making. On the top shelf are shipping boxes, envelopes and so much bubble wrap that I never buy and rarely use and don’t know what to do with.
Shipping days are so much faster now so it was definitely worth doing.