My latest batch of fabric swatches from Spoonflower arrived so here’s what’s new in my store.

These new patterns have all been created as part of my Patreon themed months. There’s 4 Bunny patterns from Bunny Month and 2 Happy Pencil patterns from Snail Mail Month. I really love the pencils – it would make such a cute dress.

Last month was Tiny Things Month and I made some new tiny prints. These are really popular with people who make doll clothes and other small items. I pretty much went through my best selling designs and picked some that I thought would work well at a small size.

They all turned out great so that’s 9 new tiny prints available + 6 brand new patterns. You can see them all in my Spoonflower store, where they’re available on loads of different base fabric, plus gift wrap and wallpaper.