I’ve been buying so much cute and cool stuff lately that I’ve had to hold some things back for a separate post. Let’s have a look at everything else, chronologically.

I’m so glad I got my hands on the very limited edition Link’s Awakening box set! It’s such a nice package with the standard game box, a special metal Gameboy-style steel box and an art book. The book has all the process drawings as they figured out the new style for the remake and so interesting. There’s more photos on my Flickr. I loved playing this again and there were just enough new features to make it feel fresh.

Ibought these cute little plastic crates at Flying Tiger. They’re the perfect size for my big stamps, and will probably be handy for my stall display at the Etsy Made Local Christmas market too.

I had a quick visit to MCM Scotland Comic too, which was so much better than last time I went in 2017. I mostly bought comics, plus some cute stuff from I Like Cats and a pumpkin Loppy from Tofu Cute. You can read about all my favourite stalls on Super Cute Kawaii.

And then I was off to Utrecht. As expected, I bought a lot of Miffy! The Nijntje Museum shop was huge and I was able to get some cute postcards and stickers for my patrons too. The little keyring plush was from the airport where I also got a Christmas Miffy that I will show off later.

I’ve been looking for a water bottle for a while and hoped to finally find one in Holland. The Miffy ones were all too big but I found this cute sprinkles design in HEMA for a few Euros.

Mostly I bought snacks though – we must have gone to the supermarket at least twice every day. If you’re interested, these are coated peanuts, chocolate sprinkles for toast (the special dark one was SO GOOD), a chocolate Miffy, raspberry cheesecake white chocolate (pretty great), a chocolate letter M (for Sinterklaas in December) and liquorice.

Paperchase have a stationery advent calendar this year and I considered it for about 48 hours before buying one. It’s a business expense! It’s absolutely gigantic with full size items and I’ll be opening it on SCK Instagram stories in December.

That impulsive decision to buy dress-up Rilakkuma & Kogumachan plushies in Japan last year has ended up costing us so much as all the new outfits are impossible to resist. We both had to get this adorable dungarees and camera set, though I feel bad that he looks all ready for an adventure but I’ve been staying at home after all those trips.

And one very cheap but life-changing tool for my studio. Keyrings have been really popular this year and my nails get so trashed trying to open the tiny split rings. I discovered there’s a tool for this that works on all sizes of split ring and now everyone is happy. I got mine on eBay.