I’ve been in lockdown for 6 weeks now (or even longer if you count the previous 3 weeks of storms!) and one thing that’s really made the whole situation bearable is our government-approved daily-ish walks. Spring has very much arrived and I’m enjoying it even more than usual, so here’s some photos.

Daffodils are always first to grab my attention and this big patch is on the edge of town near to Waitrose. We went for a last visit as it’s closing down and I am very sad about it, but at least we’ll be getting a Morrisons instead.

Blossom time comes next and these trees near my house are always glorious. One bonus of lockdown is there’s less people around to see you taking a million photos.

We’ve been walking to the park a lot (it’s surprisingly quiet) and coming back by different routes. I was amazed to find a street of real actual sakura only a few blocks from my house! I’ve either never been down this particular street before, or just not at the right time. It will be so lovely to visit these every year and be reminded of our first trip to Japan.

And then it’s a waiting game for our famous street of pink cherry blossom trees. It’s difficult to photograph but it runs for almost a mile, and we walked the whole thing one day when it was just about full bloom.

The blossom has all gone now but there’s plenty more colour springing up. Hermitage Park especially is looking amazing – the first spring that it’s really looking good after a long renovation by a volunteer group. I look forward to spending a lot more time there over the summer.

The weather has been super nice the last few weeks – so warm and sunny! That makes it much more difficult to walk along the seafront as everyone else is there too. Still much quieter than tourist season though.

The novelty of lockdown is really starting to wear off but I can’t be too unhappy when I have such a nice town to wander in and views like this from my kitchen window. Hope you’re finding new ways to cope too.