September was definitely press month. A few of us in the Glasgow Craft Mafia met up with Enterprise Nation to be filmed for their documentary (that’s me in the middle) and then to their networking social event in the evening where me and Claire were called serial entrepreneurs about 100 times. After that, we were literally swamped with press enquiries, leading to my interview in The Scotsman and a few other articles too. Yay! It’s nice to get a bit of recognition as we do a ton of work organising GCM stuff. So, what else?
Books I enjoyed
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
What a swizz. I only realised about 3/4 through that this wasn’t actually the final part of the trilogy but now the third in a 4-book “cycle”. Huh. It was alright but I just really wanted to know how it ended and now I have to wait for another book.
Magician by Raymond Feist
Apparently, I will read any old fantasy book if it costs £1. This one is laughably stuck in Tolkien’s footsteps (as is Paolini, mind you) but at least the other world stuff has some interesting ideas. I got the next two off Bookmooch but I can’t say I’m dying to read them.
After Dark by Haruki Murakami
Ahh, I do love Murakami. This is a slim book but one of my favourites nonetheless for the simplicity. It’s all very evocative of night-time Japan and just enough spooky weirdness to keep things intriguing.
Good things I watched
True Blood
Catherine gave me most of the the two seasons and was very keen that I like it, so I struggled on even though the first few episodes didn’t grab me at all, and the accents were driving me mental. But round about the 4th episode I started getting into it more and finished off the first season. It’s still completely ridiculous but good fun.
Projects completed
– Postcard club!
– Two Christmas card designs (one is in the shop)
– New banners on my website (come over and check it out RSS readers)
– Reprinted button bags and new recycled packaging
– Jammie Dodger mugs
– Coasters
– First batch of wedding notebooks dispatched
– Coding and design work for Waltzing Mouse Stamps
Interesting new blogs in my RSS
– What I Wore Today…In Drawings (the blog of the Flickr group)
– The Coveted (new Scottish fashion magazine by the GCM’s Sarah)
– Enterprise Nation (lots of good business advice here)
– Hello Kitty Junkie (seriously obsessed but fun to see all the HK products)
Exciting things I purchased
– Loads of new products (hurry up!)
– Some lovely postcards from hellojenuine
– more washi for wedding notebooks
– a crazy bobble hat with a pink pompom
Musical Rediscoveries
As before, awesome stuff I have rediscovered in my epic iTunes Library Relistening project. I’m up to the 3.5 minute songs now.
– The Primitives
– Wolves! Of Greece
– Cap Pas Cap
– Sugababes (RIP)
– The Field Mice
– Denim and Diamonds
Online sales
Items sold on Shopify: 35
Items sold on Etsy: 9
Items sold on Folksy: 3
Items sold on Dawanda: 0
It felt like a terrible sales month but my Shopify sales actually tripled so not all that bad. I sold a lot of Tokyo zines this month. October is definitely my recommendation for the best time to visit too! Need to show DaWanda some love this month.