Lucky for all of us, I didn’t have my eye infection then. Anyway, it’s all better now. Apart from that, June was good. Lots of sunny days, lots of wholesale orders, new bike, fun mail, visit from my mum. Can’t complain. I don’t really seem to have done much though, as you can see. Well, breaks are good.
Reading, Watching, Playing
Fantastic Mr Fox
This has been hanging about in my Lovefilm rental list since it was on at the cinema and if I’d know how much I would enjoy it, I’d have bumped it up a lot. While hardly faithful to the book, it’s a delightful romp with so much visual detail. It’s almost too whimsical really but there were enough cute and funny moments that it just got away with it.
Doctor Who
Just a little mention to say how much I’ve enjoyed the latest season. I love the new Doctor, the stories are so much less overblown and it’s just been FUN all season long. Well done all round.
iPhone app of the month
Converter (59p)
You may not have noticed but I spent rather a lot of time recently updating my shop descriptions. Or more exactly, standardising them. I may do a post about the reasoning behind this but I particularly wanted to get my dimensions updated into metric and imperial instead of a mishmash of both. I was doing it with Google first but then I downloaded this app and it was 10x faster. Such a simple interface and it does currency, weight, volume, speed, area, time and data too. Marvellous. If you want it, it’s quite far down the search page for converter so look for Architechies who made it.
Resolution update
– I don’t think I did anything. It’s Summer!
Websites I’ve been enjoying
– Everyday Cute (new favourite website – I love this so much)
– It Is Nancy’s New Blog (really sweet what I wore drawings)
– Oh Joy Eats (a refreshing change from recipe-heavy food blogs)
– Craftsville (UK crafty news, views and picks)
Things to look forward to in July
– Manchester, except I’ve already been now :)
– Having a holiday of sorts from freelance work
– Having a stall at Made in the Shade in Edinburgh
New Product Round-up
– Bee & Tulip Mug
– Busy Bee Organising Pad
Online sales
Items sold on Shopify: 17
Items sold on Etsy: 10
Items sold on Folksy: 12
Items sold on Dawanda: 12
Bit slow again, but I was busy enough with wholesale orders and Super Cute Kawaii so that was fine by me.