Bit quiet on the blog. I took 2 days off last week and then of course had to cram loads of work into the weekend instead. It was worth it though. On Monday, I went out to the country to admire Claire‘s new manor (it’s awesome), and then on Thursday I met up with Deth P. Sun and Marci Washington. I’ve posted about Deth’s work before – I have a lot of his zines and a few prints too. They seem really fun from their joint blog, so I offered to show them around Glasgow.
I’m really glad I did, as it turns out they were kindred spirits of a sort and top of their visit list was Voltaire & Rousseau and Mono. Hurray! They even made me look good – I only bought a book about The Prisoner, while they uncovered the world’s first picture encyclopedia in five amazing volumes for £5. Although, after lugging it back from the West End and visiting a post office, it turned out to cost an entire fortune to post to the US so I took it off their hands.It does weigh a ton but I defy anyone to spend 5 minutes with these books and not find something astounding.
I only owned them for 24 hours before I discovered the mini atlas at the back, and this beautiful set of Arctic Maps. That ‘unexplored’ area makes me very happy. I already scanned it and put it on my wall. Which means, inevitably, I have started a Tumblr and will share all the fun things I find.
You can read about their trip here. Oban is still looking beautiful, I see.
(photo of Marci and mar-c by Deth)