Mention the words ‘Japan’ and ‘travel’ in a zine description and I’ll pretty much immediately press buy. I love reading about other peoples’ trips and especially if they’ve gone to Japan. Whether I discover some new places to add to my list for a return visit (one day!) or just revel in some nostalgia, they’re always awesome. Here’s some recent favourites. Needless to say, I recommend you buy them all – check the links to see more images too.
Tokyo Postcard Zine by burntfeather
Fee was kind enough to send me a copy of this and I’m so glad she did. It’s a zine in the form of a set of 13 postcards and I am so borrowing that genius idea for one of my zines I’ve been struggling with. Each postcard has a full colour photo on one side and some text and illustrations on the other, which all come together to give you an overview of Fee’s trip, including the weird, the good and the bad. I would maybe have liked more text (I always want more text) but it all works really well. Extra bonus – the first 100 copies come with an adorable handmade kitty brooch! Mine immediately went on my bag, where it is dealing well with Glasgow’s awful weather.
Japan In A Collection by MyLifeAsAMagazine
A shopping guide with a difference! And another interesting print choice as it’s made from two folded A3 colour sheets each with one side showing things Jenna bought in Japan and the other side telling you about the places she bought them. It’s really fun getting to nose around someone else’s purchases and there are lots of great shop suggestions covering more than just Tokyo as she also visited Kyoto, Osaka, Nagano, Yudanaka & Hiroshima.
I am a Camera 16 by Vanessa Berry
A more standard zine format (but with a cute paper obi band), this latest issue of I am a Camera is mainly about Vanessa’s visit to Okunoshima – Rabbit Island – a rabbit sanctuary in Japan’s inland sea. Being a fan of bunnies and Japan, I loved reading about the journey and what they found on the island (lots of tiny bunnies!). I definitely want to go there now. As well as Rabbit Island the zine includes some details about the Kyoto part of her trip, plus a Travel Guide segment with tips and info. (also available from Pushpin Zines)
Sho Ga Nai by Heather Bryant
The first in a series of comics about Heather’s trip to Japan. I already bought the second issue about Kyoto a while back so it was good to pick up the first one, which covers Osaka. These zines focus on small moments so don’t expect big adventures or travel guides, but instead enjoy some lovely observations of Japan.