Exciting news, everyone! I will be a guest speaker at the Folksy Summer School on 10th-11th August. It’s being held in a forest just outside Sheffield and there will be a whole crowd of great indie business folks there to give you tips and advice on branding, blogging, marketing, pricing and more, plus panels, personal mentoring sessions and lots of demonstrations and crafty fun.
I’ll be there both days, talking a bit about my business on Saturday and participating in a panel about selling on Sunday with people from Folksy, the Indie Retail Academy, Crafty Fox Markets plus other sellers like me. Come and ask some questions!
I’ll also be happy to meet up with anyone after either session and chat about our businesses or answer any other questions.
There are still a few tickets available, but they’re selling fast so get booking. They cost £50 for a day ticket or £80 for the weekend, and there’s some hotel and B&B offers if you’re from out of town. Check out the timetable and speakers for more info, and I’ll hopefully see some of you there.