You may have noticed the blog has had a bit of an update. I’ve been planning on doing a redesign for ages, but I’m too busy designing other peoples’ sites. I really wanted rid of the separate mobile site though, so I’ve quickly put together a new responsive design that works on mobile and desktop. It’s not perfect, but it will do for now. I made some new banners and also re-organised my categories a bit so it should be easier to find older stuff.
And a note on scheduling. Running SCK more seriously has rubbed off on this blog too as I now have a blogging calendar to refer to. Here’s what you can expect to see for the next while.
1st of the month (unless a Saturday or Sunday) – new character wallpapers
Tuesdays: My Art History – looking back at my artwork from high school + college
Wednesdays: On-demand product news
Thursdays: Ask Me Anything advice/guides – feel free to suggest topics!
Saturdays: Weekend Wrap Up & offers
Last day of the month: Monthly Round-up of links, reviews etc.
Obviously I will fill in the gaps with personal stuff, new work, shopping etc.