I’m sharing some artwork from my school and college years. See all the posts here.
Before I get into my printmaking work (since none of it is dated), a final round of drawing. We still did a whole day of life drawing every week and my line work definitely kept improving.
When I was watching that painting challenge TV show earlier this year, I was annoyed at the people who didn’t ‘get’ perspective. That’s because you’ve never been made to draw a pile of chairs and ladders!
Whoever set up this was clearly mental – let’s strangle the model with some drapes. The good thing about a weekly drawing day is that we were able to experiment with different mediums. I had a few in coloured pencil, some on dark backgrounds too. The previous chair is in chinagraph pencil, which is meant for drawing on glass but is now one of my favourite things to draw with on paper.
We still did 30 second life drawings too. I kind of miss doing these.
You didn’t think I got through art school without having to draw a skeleton, did you?
Next time: printmaking