A couple of weeks ago, I showed you some of the patterns and kaleidoscopes I made with the Amaziograph app. Of course, I couldn’t just stick with lines and colours and my own kawaii characters started turning up.
The first one I did featured my Mt Fuji and was inspired by a little sketchbook drawing from my Japan trip last year. Seeing the real Fuji floating above the clouds from my plane window was so cool. I also made a Volcano version!
Ghosts are my most common thing to doodle so it’s no surprise that they turned up. An endless burst of boos!
I made this sun pattern and then realised there was no way to add a face so I cheated and added that later. I think this has some potential for a fabric pattern.
This last one is a bit niche as it features Origami Li.stbot and Li.stBet, a pair of paper robots that are currently traveling between li.st users around the world. Here’s my send off list and another great one. Everyone is trying to matchmake them and it is kind of adorable.
Free Wallpapers
If you’d like to use the Mt Fuji or Ghosts design as a wallpaper, I’ve added them to my Free Wallpapers page – scroll down to Desktop Wallpapers. The Li.stbots are available to download here. Enjoy!