I wasn’t sure I would get this done before Japan but I’m happy to say my new 2019 calendar design is now available at Spoonflower for tea towel calendars.
My 100 Days of Kawaii Characters project was such a big part of 2018 that I had to use some of the characters. I’m calling this design Kawaii Life as each month has a character that you’d use or see that month. I tried so many different colour schemes, but I like this one a lot.
I’ve also updated 8 of my previous calendar designs for 2019 and they’re all available at Spoonflower. Order them on a fat quarter of cotton/linen blend fabric and they’re perfect for sewing into tea towels.
Best of all, there’s free shipping worldwide on all fabric this week so now’s the time to get organised. Tea towel calendars make great gifts and only require beginner sewing skills. I shared a kind-of helpful guide last time I made some.
PS. I’ll be updating all the matching posters, mugs etc. once I’m back from Japan.