My first book, The Super Cute Book of Kawaii, is being published in just 3 months time. I’ve shared an update on Super Cute Kawaii today, which has a peek at some of the inside pages.

I got an advance copy of the printed book recently (the day after my birthday in fact – best present ever!) and it looks so cute. It still feels a bit weird to have the real book in my house after looking at that promo image for so long! I’m really happy with how it all turned and can’t wait to share more.

That will mostly be happening over at Super Cute Kawaii so make sure you’re checking the blog for updates. We post daily (except Sundays) and you can follow SCK on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. There’s also a monthly newsletter and they got the first look inside.
You can pre-order the book now, from sites in the UK and internationally, and the ebook is also now available. Thanks for your support!