May was Tiny Things Month on my Patreon so let’s have a look back at what I was working on.

Happy Mail
The whole point of this theme was so I could make matchboxes filled with tiny things for the new Mail Box tier! This was inspired by a matchbox swap I organised a long time ago and it was just as much fun to do it again. I made a few extra ones, which are in the Trouble Club Shop now (patrons of all tiers get access).

All Happy Mail patrons received these items – 2 exclusive postcards, a Banana sticker and a tiny thank you letter.

Inside the happy mail envelope was a tiny original painting. These were A7 size and a lot of fun to do.

New Designs & Products
My main focus was designing some new wooden pins and I shared a look at the design process for these. They’re all in my shop now. I also created new tiny fabric patterns for my Spoonflower store.

Wallpapers & Printables
My wallpaper this month featured some tiny clouds, and will be shared with my mailing list this week for free. $5+ patrons also got printable washi tape – I wish I could afford to make all these for real!

Sorry you missed out on all this?
You can join the Trouble Club any time to get access to the wallpapers & printables archive and the Trouble Club Shop, plus you can read all the old posts. The upcoming June rewards will be shared on Friday and have a Summer Holiday theme.