I haven’t done one of these for ages! Here’s some of the fun things I’ve been buying, mostly from my recent trip to London.

I have talked myself out of buying this cat pencil case at least three times so I was very happy to find it in the Paperchase half price sale (all gone now). It’s so fluffy and has a little bell. I have too many pouches already but I will find a use for it. I also got two of my favourite bits from the Pango‘s recent collection – the squishy notebook is so fun and I had to pick up an extra one for Kaila too. I’ll share some happy mail swaps in another post.

I also did a little bit of kawaii stationery shopping online – my first time ordering from Kawaii Panda (top 2 photos) and Cute Things From Japan (bottom 2). Mostly topping up my San-X stash and getting my hands on the Schinako bunny washi tape. You can read more about this and see more photos at Super Cute Kawaii.

There’s also a post at Super Cute Kawaii with what I bought at Hyper Japan. We had a great time and I’m surprised I didn’t spend more. My favourite is definitely the sweet watercolour-style Sanrio stickers from ARTBOX.

While in London, we also popped in to see Noodoll (who kindly let us use their characters in my book). Everyone was so nice and the shop is so cute – a Ricepumpkin plush came home with me. It’s actually my first normal Noodoll plush – both the pear and carrot are one-offs from sample sales. I can’t find anything about the pumpkin online – he must be new for Halloween.

I managed to squeeze in a visit to Daunt Books too, a lovely old bookshop with a bit of a travel theme. The Japan section is very good and it was cool to discover this nice little Japanemoji book has the same editor and book designer as mine. The two books are the same size as well so make a nice pair. I’m really enjoying reading it – it’s well worth picking up if you love Japan, or have ever wondered what all those weird emojis mean.
I’ve also been doing a lot of pre-ordering – there’s so many great books coming out this autumn! – so I wrote a list: Things I’ve Got On Pre-Order