October was Cosy Home Month on my Patreon so let’s have a look back at what I was working on.
Happy Mail

My Mail Box patrons received some fun stationery from my trip to Utrecht including the Miffy Museum, HEMA and Sostrene Grene, plus a Peach Mint KitKat and some other bits and pieces.

I made these cups of tea name stickers for the Happy Mail, which was the other big theme of the month.
Cups of Tea & Battenberg Cake

I made 2 new patterns this month featuring cups of tea and tea & Battenberg cake. I turned them into wallpapers, which I’ll be sharing with my mailing list on Friday – sign up to get it.

Printables this month included some Time For Tea stickers.

I also made a paper doll of my Ghost that can hug all his favourite things.

It turned out even cuter than I imagined and he really does hold on tight. I have some fun plans for him this Christmas…
New Products

There was a lot to work on this month and I designed my new Ghost Favourites 2020 calendar, updated the dates on all my previous calendars and made them all available on Society6, Redbubble, Zazzle & Spoonflower. My 5 Year Diary also got updated and is available through Lulu.

I also spent a lot of time updating all 146 designs in my Redbubble store including adding them to socks! I uploaded my new patterns to Society6 & Zazzle too.
Sorry you missed out on all this?
You can join the Trouble Club any time to get access to the wallpapers & printables archive and the Trouble Club Shop, plus you can read all the old posts and see what’s happening this month (not much as I have been both busy and unwell). Next month’s rewards will be shared this week and will be a special double month to end the year.