July was a weird month so let’s just move on with some new products and bargains, available now! Don’t forget, all orders include free UK shipping and there’s 15% off any order over £15.

Stamp Sale
My new stamps are in production and should be available at the end of August or beginning of September. We weren’t able to get a perfect match on the wooden stamps so I’m having a big clearout sale. All small wooden stamps are now half price – that’s just £3.50 each! There’s also a lucky dip option where you can buy a surprise pack of stamps and see what you get.

Summer Sale
I’ve also lowered prices on a few other things that are being discontinued or are overstocked. That includes the last of the gift wrap (not coming back!), most cards, and some stationery, zines and pins. Check it all out.

US Seasonal Fruit & Veg Charts
These have been available on-demand for a while but I’ve added double-size postcards and magnets to my own shop too. Shipping to the US seems to be okay at the moment with some delays and while there have been some huge price rises lately they do not affect 90% of the products in my shop.

New SCK Animals Stickers
I made these vinyl stickers for my patrons and there are just a handful left for everyone else. These are my biggest stickers yet at 4″ square – you can either use as one big sticker or cut them into smaller stickers.
Hope there’s something you like!