I haven’t been very crafty this year but I’ve been feeling more inspired lately so here’s a couple of fun things I’ve been working on.

Back in February, I made the frosted cookies from Animal Crossing in felt and promised to try and make the spooky cookies in time for Halloween. And I did! They turned out so cute and colourful. You can get the tutorial and templates at Super Cute Kawaii.

To save time, I made them from card this time and used my Silhouette Cameo. I always enjoy splitting a design up into all the colours and this was a fun group of faces. I hope I can make some from felt too.

Getting some photos also meant I had to decorate for Halloween and it all looks so cosy and spooky cute. I later added red eyes to the bat for Dracula Daily vibes.

Since I now have a box full of fancy aida in my house, I had to start a new cross stitch project and I’m actually doing something just for fun. Imagine! It’s a free pattern – Mushroom Family Sampler designed by Japanese artist Gera! – which I featured on SCK back in 2020 and thought about often. It’s a lot of fun so far and looks lovely on the Aurora aida. Lots of little faces still to be added there.

It does use a ridiculous amount of colours though – so many that I had to make a little chart to keep myself right, and double up some colours that were fairly similar. There’s probably a more sensible way to do this but that is why I am forever Asking For Trouble.