When I wrote my big post of blogging tips, one thing I missed was that if you schedule a lot of posts be careful of writing about things that will be topical that day or, even worse, ‘I am here doing this right now while you read this’. It can be quite literally asking for trouble, making you look at best a bit silly or at worst, really insensitive or offensive if something unexpected happens.
Knowing that, I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself, but I wasn’t at the Folksy Summer School after all! Instead I got to spend my weekend in the hospital with an iPhone rapidly running out of battery, a Kindle with no internet access and not much more. It was pretty much the opposite of the fun time I was supposed to be having! Lucky for me, Claire came to visit and brought all the essentials like Angel Bunny and a tiny medal for bravery :)
I’ve been home a couple of days now and I’m getting a lot better so mostly I am just really sad I missed everything and didn’t get to meet anyone. From all the photos and tweets, it seems to have been an amazing weekend so hopefully they’ll do it again.
Needless to say, the blog will probably be quiet for the next week or two, depending on how I feel. I still plan to return from my holiday break on the 26th, but it’s possible I’ll be extending it. In the meantime, please do enter my photo contest – seeing your photos would really cheer me up!