Todays March Meet The Maker prompt is Books, Blogs & Podcasts. I write about every book I read, and I don’t listen to podcasts, but I really love blogs and rarely talk about them. I’ve been blogging continuously in some form since 1998 so I respect anyone that takes the time to keep a blog going.
There has long been a page here on the blog with a big list of links but I decided it was time to update it. I’ve checked all the links, added a few new favourites and split them into categories for easier browsing.
My favourite blogs are the ones with more words than pictures and a writer/editor with a style of writing and choice of subjects that are unmistakably theirs. If you also like that sort of thing, I hope you’ll check out some of my choices. And if you run a wordy blog yourself, let me know so I can add it to my reading list.