So somehow it is August now and I had a horrible feeling that I’m failing miserably at my 2021 plans and goals. It was actually not as bad as I thought so let’s check in on my progress.

Read 52 new books – I’m currently 2 books behind schedule on my Goodreads Reading Challenge and while I I’m sure I will still complete it, I think I need a break next year so I can stop feeling pressured to read new books. There’s a few books I want to re-read and I’m behind on my blog reading too. It does look nice seeing all those covers together – there’s been a lot of 4&5 star books (and quite a lot of quick easy 99p reads for my tired out brain).
Do more crafts – I’ve certainly kept up my crafting with lots of new completed projects but I’ve only done 1 thing from my 2021 plans. I’m going to blame all the lovely weather we’ve had this summer and hopefully I will get back to it in the autumn.
Write more big stuff – that’s a big NOPE. I am still excited about all my plans but I’ve had to write so many SCK blog posts this year that the writing part of my brain can’t manage much else.
Start a habit tracker – finally, an unqualified success! I did start one and have kept it up all year. Here’s my update post about that.
Edit the family photos – this was going great and adding a weekly reminder task means I had a new batch to share with family most weeks. Our Facebook group is so big now and it’s been lovely to hear everyone’s memories. Sadly my Granny passed away last month so the whole project feels more poignant and we’re obviously taking a break.
Go back to Tumblr – this was a silly but great addition and I am very happy with it. I would say no one cares about my tumblr blog but I have actually gained a few followers. I’m not posting much but I am enjoying finding new blogs to follow and it has made me care even less about Instagram’s pretty perfection and horrible algorithm.
I look forward to seeing how the rest of the year goes.