While I did get a lot done in 2023, it wasn’t a very good year for plans and goals. The cost of living crisis was a major issue as my budget was severely restricted and I just didn’t have the money for travel, shopping, creating new products or doing random things for fun. So I basically failed all my plans & goals, other than going swimming at the new leisure centre (once!), though I did better with crafts and reading.

I do like to have to goals to stop me feeling aimless so here 10 business, personal and random ones, in no particular order, some of which are redos from last year.
- Reach 9000 sales on Etsy, or even 10,000? (currently just over 8500).
- Book my trip to Berlin and do some UK day/overnight trips.
- Make a list of new recipes to try, especially from my cookbooks.
- Make waffles again (I lost my confidence with a bad batch).
- Design some new products, even if I can’t make them yet.
- Sell some clothes on Vinted.
- Sort out this blog as the theme is so out of date it’s a total mess.
- Choose a no-pressure drawing challenge to work on.
- Have fun on social media again (post more random stuff, stop using Twitter).
- Ride my bike (it’s been ready to go for months, I just need a push out the door)