It’s a new year, so I’ve changed a few things around for these posts. I’ll share my video on Instagram later.
My 4 favourite photos

Mostly from my Instagram (L-R, top-bottom)
- So many pretty views from the seafront this month
- A new batch of polymer stamps arrived, still neatly lined up
- Sumikko Ghost in an an apple house
- Sunset!
Fave 5 from the blog
Other things I wrote
- Books, Comics & Zines I Read in January
- Things I’ve been into this month
- Ghibli (Re)watch: Grave of the Fireflies
- How To Buy From Japanese Web Shops With Tenso
- San-X Japan Sumikko Gurashi Review
- Japanfunbox Subscription Box Review
Links I loved
- I was really pleased to discover the founder of Get Rich Slowly has bought the site back. Some blogs just don’t work without their original voice. There’s loads of helpful, non-judgmental, advice about money on there and it’s well worth following again.
- Need some book recs? My pal Rachel read 174 books in 2017! Quite a few of my recent favourites came via her lists and this is a fun round-up.
- Some great New Year blogging improvements to keep your blog fresh from Kristabel.
- Tor still killing it with the Star Wars essays: The Rebellion Won Because They Treated Their Droids Like People. Chopper should be fired into the sun though.
2018 goals update
- Go outside: 15/31 days. Ouch. In my defence, I have been really busy and sick and the weather is grim.
- Blog posts written: 13 here and 12 at SCK