My 2019 plans & goals were a bit hit and miss. This update is pretty much how it all worked out, though I did complete my reading challenge, create more characters/patterns and make another zine. Let’s start fresh!

2019 was a bit overwhelming with my book publication, lots of travels, monthly Patreon themes and lots of new products. 2020 looks to be a smaller and more personal year without any big travel plans or challenges but more of what makes me happy.
Read 52 new books
I’ve been doing the Goodreads Reading Challenge for a few years now and this seems to be the magic number for me. A new (to me) book a week and enough room for re-reads and things that aren’t on Goodreads (zines, self-published books, magazines, blogs). I’ve currently got 37 unread books on my Kindle so hopefully I can get through a lot of those, and not just buy more.
Do more crafts
If 2019 was the year for figuring out a routine and being less of a workaholic, that has left me with a lot of evenings that I tend to just use for TV or games. I’m going to set aside an afternoon or two a week for doing crafts and art just for fun that will hopefully start to fill my evenings too. Time to dig out all those unfinished craft projects for a blog post!
Make more zines
I’m not doing a monthly challenge this year but I’d like to aim for a zine a month including updates to my Japan guides. I’m already working on a 2019 Favourites zine, and one with the Japanuary prompts by Cakes With Faces. My patrons will get them first so it’s a good year to join.
Experiment with video
I really enjoyed my year of 1 Second Every Day, but it feels a bit too restrictive for another year. I’d like to start filming longer clips and seeing if that inspires some different video projects.
Make some business plans
I backed the Indie Roller Kickstarter late last year, which comes with a book and course to start or change your indie biz. While I don’t really fit the profile as someone starting out or who’s feeling lost or burned out, I’m hoping it will inspire me to shake things up a bit.
Spend less money
I’m not usually a worrier but current political events have me a bit scared for the future. I designed a lot of new products last year, went on lots of trips and upgraded my laptop, so my savings are not as healthy as they should be. I’ve also been falling behind on my accounts so time to catch up, keep track of my finances every month and be more mindful about what I’m buying.
I also have a lot of smaller plans and hopes but Susie introduced me to the UberList and I am going to make one soon, though I probably won’t share it.