Okay, first of the new prototypes to become an actual product are these super cute little drawstring bags featuring Cakeify and Friends. They’re about the size of a bar of soap so great for gift giving or just for storing your precious little things. The Cakeify Mini Cards actually fit in these perfectly. Anyway, they’re available now in the shop, either singly or as a set of 3.
I’ve also added a couple of vintage button gocco printed notebooks. I like how these turned out though they weren’t exactly what I intended. I may give this another go in future.
And a photo of some badges because they look great in a big pile. I’ve had a few stockist orders lately so I’ve been getting busy with the badge machine.
And finally, I am taking part in DaWanda’s Spring Sale which is on right now. Every day it’s a different section and today is Home & Living which includes most of my wares; notebooks, cards and paper goods. Look out for the little orange bird in my shop and you can save 11%. Keep an eye out over the next few days as well for the rest of the sections.