It’s been a while since I posted some Tokyo links but with my own Japan trip only a few months away, here’s some things I’ve bookmarked recently.
– The always awesome Maki of Just Hungry and Just Bento has been posting loads of informational stuff from her recent stay in Japan, including these great Postcards from Kyoto. We’ve only got one day there on our next trip so I’m taking notes! I also liked the post on the Ghibli Museum and her round-up of bento box shops.
– Lis at Sashiko Started It is currently posting about her short trip to Tokyo, including a great post on Fabric Town.
– Leeanne’s Travel Blog is a great foodie trip report from Tokyo – if you’re interested in Japanese food you’ll be drooling on your keyboard after reading this.
– Ismoyo finally made it over to Tokyo after winning my shopping guide in a giveaway ages ago and posted a great series of posts about what she got up to. Lots of kawaii photos too!
– Emma at NeverEver is also just back and posting her trip reports. I also really liked her reading round-up of books about Japan.
– Fellow Mafioso Chloe of Kuro-e also finally made it over and has been posting lots of interesting things she saw and bought on her blog Peach Blossom Purple.
– and finally, if you’ve been to Tokyo recently (and it looks like everyone has!) then add your shop photos to the Tokyo Shopping Guide Flickr group. There’s a few I really need to check out next time. The photo at the top of this post is also pretty good example of what shopping is like in Japan – completely overwhelming.
I’m not sure I can wait another 5 months.