I had a couple of quiet days the other week, which is not something that often happens. I ended up sorting through my big box of fabric and decided to do something with all my bits and pieces of Japanese fabric. So, I am kind of making a quilt I think? But in the simplest way possible.
To an outsider, quiltmaking seems like a cult. A cult of people making terrifyingly complicated designs of smaller and smaller pieces of fabric. Beautiful as some of these designs are, I do not have the patience for that. I read a tutorial about quilt blocks about 8 years ago and immediately decided it was the complete opposite of everything I find enjoyable about making stuff.
So, this is my ‘I have no idea what I’m doing’ quilt. I basically cut all my fabric into smallish pieces all with the same height so theoretically I can sew them together in strips and then sew those strips together into a big piece. I kept them all fairly big and with the designs facing all different ways for even less pressure. I’ll worry about the whole quilting and binding stuff later. Whatever happens, I am going to love the finished thing as it’s full of all the fabrics I used for my purses all those years ago, tiny scraps I’ve been saving and my own designs from old test swatches.
I already started sewing pieces into strips and it’s really nice just doing some simple sewing at the machine. I’m also hoping it will get me back into my dressmaking as I’ve really not been in the right mood for months.
Any quiltmaking readers out there, feel free to give me tips, but only if they are totally simple and easy to do. I will be sure to post some updates further down the line.
And coincidentally, Sally tweeted some photos to me of a quilt she made using bits of my Hello Cupcake fabric. It’s always cool seeing my fabric being used – the close-up in progress shots are great. You can read all about it on her blog.
PS. If you’ve made something with my fabric, watch this space for an exciting contest coming this Summer.