Here’s some of the fun things I’ve been buying since the start of the year.

I haven’t been buying many frivolous things lately but writing Super Cute Kawaii posts always tempts me. I started writing about mis0happy‘s new products and had placed an order before I finished it! The pin and sticker are both so positive and cute, while the washi tape is so clever – you can cut it into labels. I was really happy with all this and will definitely be ordering again.

I loved my Pusheen slippers so much that I wore them right through the sole! I definitely deserved a new pair so I upgraded to magical Pusheenicorns. I like these even better as the tail is fatter and doesn’t flop around like the old ones. I do rather wish I’d waited though as there are new Dinosheen slippers now. Next time!

While in Paperchase buying my new diary, I also picked up this super cute mini scrapbook with bunny ears and tail! I’ve been planning to do some travel journaling with all my Japan souvenirs so this will be perfect.

Buying that got me a £5 voucher to spend (Paperchase’s loyalty card is great) so I bought the matching washi tape set with cute animals, glitter, stars and pastels!

I was getting bored with my photo backgrounds so I picked up some nice fabric from M is for Make. You may recognise them from my recent photos. The black fabric has rainbow glitter threads which look incredible but don’t photograph well at all so I’ll need to find a fun sewing project for that.

My friend Katy invited me along to IKEA as part of their Live Lagom campaign. We learned a bit about pressure cookers (I bought an Instant Pot recently and it is great) and then I did some shopping. Please be impressed at how well all my purchases fitted into a wooden box that I also bought. The gingerbread chocolate is v good but I haven’t assembled my chocolate bunny yet.

My favourite thing is these retro tins – they’re so colourful and a great small size. I’m using one for instant coffee and the other has liquorice (see below).

And not a purchase but a gift – some amazing Dutch snacks from my cousin. These are mostly childhood favourites that are difficult to get in the UK. I especially enjoyed the variety pack of mini hagel boxes. It’s chocolate sprinkles you put on toast and there were all different combinations and shapes. I wrote about what all these are over on my Patreon if you’re interested.