It’s actually starting to feel like winter might finally be over so here’s some photos I’ve been taking outdoors recently.

Earlier this month, I took some photos and videos as I walked over to Waitrose (a little past that old pier) so I could share them on Patreon’s version of Instagram Stories. I think that feature is public so you can just follow me to see any future ones. This palm tree got some surprised comments – there are quite a few in this area.

From the same part of the seafront, the flywheel from The Comet, Europe’s first commercial steamship.

The first real signs of spring for me is this street of white blossom trees near my house. It was still pretty cold and stormy when it was all gone though, despite those blue skies.

The real highlight comes a little later when our cherry blossom street turns pink. This is such a long stretch and even spreads out into some of the adjoining streets. It’s so lovely to walk through, especially as it’s a quiet street – you can see it doesn’t even have a proper pavement on one side.

So fluffy and beautiful! They were really timed perfectly for the warm sunny Easter weekend. Hopefully they’re still around this weekend for another look.

On Good Friday, I ditched all my plans and took the train to Edinburgh to catch up with my dad. We went to the botanic gardens, which even had some proper sakura.

Angel Bunny had a fun day out too. You can see all his photos at @angelbunnytravels.

Here’s Helensburgh from the pier on Saturday – such pretty reflections. We were waving at the Waverley paddle steamer as a protest (so polite!) because it can’t visit this year (and probably not next year either) due to the council taking forever to fix the pier. I’m really going to miss the Waverley this summer – hopefully we can still see it as it passes by.

And here’s Rilakkuma in a bunny outfit to finish off. I am so in love with Rilakkuma and Kaoru on Netflix! I’m having to ration the episodes out very slowly as I can’t cope with how cute it is. The stop motion animation is perfect and everything is so fuzzy and adorable. I want Rilakkuma to come and live with me – there’s plenty room here!