A new edition of my 5 Year Diary is now available for 2020-2024 through Lulu.com.

I’ve been making – and using – these diaries since 2011 and still enjoy it. They have space for a short entry every day for 5 years so it’s fun to look back at the similarities and differences in your days each year. There’s also profile pages to track your life changes and favourite things, plus space to note birthdays and anniversaries.

You can buy your diary now from Lulu.com – they use various printing companies worldwide so shipping is usually very affordable. They often have discounts too so keep checking their homepage. There’s more photos and information in my shop.

If you’re in the UK, I’ll also be selling my test copy from these photos (and an extra one with the wrong cover that Lulu messed up!) at half price after I’ve brought it to the Etsy market on December 1st. I’ll be offering it to my patrons first.