I’m still very excited about my Redbubble socks so here’s some new photos and info + there’s 20% off today!

I did say they’d make great gifts so for Christmas I got Kawaii Skies socks for my mum and Battenberg Cake socks for Nicolette, plus a new pair of Happy & Sad Clouds socks for me. We all wore them on the same day so we could take a photo together.

My dad got some Outer Space socks – and not from me! All the designs turned out really well.

I’ve also been really happy to see some sock orders from people I’m not related to! They’re quite expensive for socks so I wasn’t sure if anyone would really buy them. Above are a few designs that have been popular so far. If you bought some, I’d love to see photos.
You can find all my socks (70+ designs!) in my Redbubble store. There’s 20% off everything today for registered users and look out for more discounts on weekends and holidays. You can also read a detailed review about my first pair.