Whether you’ve got kids to entertain, are kind of bored yourself, or need a little creative kickstart, colouring books are great help. I’ve made two new ones that you can download and print, or colour digitally.

Kawaii Patterns Colouring Pages
I love creating repeat patterns and they’re really fun to colour too so I’ve turned 10 of them into a set of cute colouring sheets. You’ll find most of my popular characters inside including space, ghosts, nature and lots of food! Download from Payhip or Etsy.

Trapped Ghosts Colouring Book
I’ve also made a spooky cute mini colouring book featuring my Trapped Ghost. There’s 4 of my illustrations to colour plus an extra blank jar for you to fill with your own drawing! Download from Payhip or Etsy.
Print or Colour Digitally
Both come with instructions – you can print individual pages on any size of paper to colour with pens, crayons on paint. Or use them on your iPad/tablet and colour digitally. I love doing this as you can experiment with different colours and brushes and easily undo/erase anything that doesn’t work.
I really hope you like them, and please do share your finished pages with me, especially Ghost drawings!

Friday Shop Update
There’s more new things coming on Friday, including very limited amounts of fabric swatches + Happy Mail boxes and postcard sets. Join my Patreon to get early access on Thursday or subscribe to my mailing list to be notified once everything is public.