I’ve got a new Ko-fi shop for pay what you can colouring pages, activities and more.

I’ve always enjoyed making free printables for my patrons, mailing list subscribers and blog/social media followers but it gets a bit depressing when random strangers swoop in and download all the free stuff, never to be seen again. Ko-fi recently added a pay-what-you-can option so I’ve started adding new freebies there.

The latest one is just in time for Pancake Day tomorrow – a cute colouring sheet with all your favourite toppings. Paying nothing is fine but if you’re downloading a few files, or are using it for a group activity, consider paying a little so I can afford the time to make more.

I’ve also made a Sunflower colouring sheet in collaboration with Seeds of Hope Scotland. They’re a small social enterprise dedicated to helping wildlife and improving people’s mental health and wellbeing. Printed postcards with seeds will be available soon from their shop and 50% of all proceeds from this printable will be put towards running seed giveaways to good causes in Scotland.
Visit my Ko-fi shop to see all the other files including activity sheets, wallpapers, comics and calendar bookmarks. Lots more to come soon.