This is a bit late but I write this blog for myself too and I want to have this to look back on, so here’s a few photos from my Christmas.

My decorations were pretty similar to previous years but it’s always so nice to see all my cute things again, and rediscover ornaments I was gifted last Christmas and packed away. It was a quiet year for cards, due to the postal delays and general 2021-ness, so huge thanks to everyone who did send me one.

My mantelpiece always looks so festive with the felt holly garland (from HEMA last year) and now seems so empty without it. I’m working on a new garland for an SCK tutorial that should brighten it up for spring so look out for that.

We were never really certain that Nicolette would be able to come and spend Christmas with me but luckily it all worked out and Rilakkuma & Kogumachan were reunited too. We didn’t do anything too special but it was so much nicer to open gifts together and just have the 2 way video chats with our parents. We even managed a good dinner, despite my oven being almost dead (I got a new one last week and it is AMAZING).

I got some cute presents of course! We did wish lists this year, which made it a little less exciting but there were still a few surprises and I got lots of things I really wanted. That being books, socks, chocolate, plushies and handmade things. I also did ask for a set of cheese knives and some reusable baking sheets and they are both getting well-used. Not pictured – my new Pusheen slippers and some gingerbread man socks, which both went straight on my feet.

My favourite gift was definitely this trinket dish from emmadoodlez – it’s so cute! I’ve put it in my hallway, but there’s nothing in it yet.

I was also very happy to get the DIY gingerbread man kit from Noodoll and started making it straight away. It was just the right kind of easy task to keep your hands busy while watching Christmas TV and I’ll look forward to seeing these every year. I wrote more about my Christmas crafting over on SCK, including the one gift I made myself.

And then it was time to say goodbye! I always hate packing everything away as the room looks so empty but it also motivates me to do some re-organising and decluttering so that’s kept me busy.