I’m very excited to share that I finished my Zelda tapestry! It only took me 8 years, or really around 3 months of actively working on it.

It turned out just as cool as I hoped and I really enjoyed the whole project. It’s about 10″ wide and I’m looking forward to getting it up on the wall somewhere. I did wonder while stitching if I should have done 4 stitches per pixel to make it more impressive but then it would be too big and expensive to frame. Also all those grey rocks would have broken me as they were already quite tedious.

I wasn’t the best at remembering to take progress photos but I made a gif with what I did have.

I’m especially happy with the colour scheme I picked out and had forgotten that I invented that myself, I think to use up wool that I already owned. Above is the original mural from the colour version of the game and those colours really are awful!

When I started it in 2015 I definitely didn’t expect there would be a whole new remake of the game just a few years later. It’s cool to see how they updated the design to be more like a cave painting but the original is much better for stitching.
Annoyingly, I still seem to have pretty much the same amount of wool left in my box so I’ll need to find something else to use it for. I’ve also started another tapestry project, from a kit I bought, so will do another crafts roundup soon.