November & December were a double Handmade Christmas Month on my Patreon so let’s have a look back at what I was working on.
Happy Mail

All my Happy Mail patrons received some cute winter-themed stationery, Cookie Cute stickers, updated Let’s Make Zines! zine, 2020 calendar postcard and my family & friends Christmas card.

Mail Box patrons got a few extra goodies including these handmade bows made from my Spoonflower swatches. They were really fun to make so there may be more.
Cats in Party Hats

I made a new pattern featuring my cats in party hats for the holiday celebrations. I turned them into wallpapers, which were exclusive to patrons – join any time to get access to all my wallpapers.

My favourite printables this month were Snow Bunny treat holders. I had treat holders on my list for ages and these turned out really cute. I’ll be putting them in my shop in time for next Christmas and will maybe come up with some birthday or Valentine’s options too.

I also made some Stocking stickers in 2 designs, plus some cats in hats stickers. All patrons also got free access to all my printable garlands as I started charging for them. Again, you can join any time to get access to some of the past printables.
New Products

Not a lot of new things since it was into the Black Friday/Christmas shopping rush but I did have some cute new wooden pins and Snowflake badges and finished a free zine with friends about our London meetup.

I uploaded my new patterns to Redbubble, Society6 & Zazzle too.
Exclusive Posts
- What Have I Been Doing?
- Links I Loved – Catch Up Edition
- + weekly Sunday Catch Up posts
Sorry you missed out on all this?
You can join the Trouble Club any time to get access to the wallpapers & printables archive and the Trouble Club Shop, plus you can read all the old posts and see what’s happening in Hello 2020 Month. Next month’s rewards will be shared this week – my Patreon is now changing and Happy Mail will be an irregular add-on. Find our more in My Plans For Patreon.