It’s only just March but I am already powering through my craft goals for the year. This part of the year is always super boring with lots of horrible weather and nowhere fun to go so I’ve been enjoying lots of crafting time on the sofa. Here’s some stitching projects I’ve finished recently.

While I was picking up some more hoops for my next projects, I couldn’t resist this embroidery pattern that was on sale. It’s by Oh Sew Bootiful and came as just a printed piece of fabric plus instructions (though you can also buy a digital pattern or full kit). Since it only uses the 3 primary colours + black and white, I was able to use thread from my stash. I struggled a bit at the beginning but got on much better once I added felt backing as the fabric is quite thin.

I haven’t done a lot of decorative embroidery and it was great for practice – now my french knots are almost always perfect, my satin stitch is pretty good and…well, I’ve got the hang of lazy daisy, even if they always look a bit messy. I painted a hoop white for framing which looks so good.

When I needed a break from embroidery, I worked on this little Grogu cross stitch! It’s a free pattern by Wild Olive and so tiny and cute. It would have been finished very quickly but I had a real lack of pink in my stash (yes, I’m horrified too) and did the ears in 3 different colours before settling on this. I still might pick out that salmon-y background and swap it for something much darker.

I also spent some time finishing the backs so my hoop art gallery wall is getting closer to hanging. Most are stitched by me but Claire gifted me the bunny and I bought the daffodils embroidery from Laura (maybe I should make her matching tulip pattern to go with it?). It’s nice to have some things from friends in there too.
I’m currently working on a secret gift but I also have 2 more embroidery kits in hoops to finish after that and would love to get back to my own designs too.