Somehow more than half the year is gone already so let’s see how I’m getting on with my plans and goals for the year. As always, I have forgotten what half of them are but I hope it’s not all going too badly.
My craft goals are going extremely well! Above are just some of the projects I’ve finished this year and I have lots more lined up. I’ve not been managing the monthly origami make but I have made a few things. I also need to get back to turning more of my own characters into stitching patterns. I expect this section to be a major success when I check back at the end of the year.
My Goodreads reading challenge is 52 books for the year and I am currently…9 books behind schedule! Oops. Most of that is due to reading Moby Dick instead of doing Whale Weekly and I’ve now finished it so I have some hope of catching up.
The Rest
As for the rest I’m mostly not doing that well, though I have been swimming at the new leisure centre. Many are because I’ve had less money to spend, both on a business and personal level. I should put some of the others on my to-do list to make sure I catch up a bit by December.
Overall, not as bad as I expected, but the crafts section is the only real success. Back to work then!