I didn’t expect to have made so much progress on my 2024 plans & goals in just one month that I’d need a whole update post but I have had a lot of time on my hands, thanks to the endless storm days. Let’s go!

Sort out this blog as the theme is so out of date it’s a total mess
Very surprised about this one! It’s definitely not finished but it fixes all the problems with the old theme and I can add more fun stuff later (narrator: she totally won’t). I even did it all myself with the new theme builder which was a bit of a steep learning curve but super easy once I got the hang of things.
I’ve also been deleting lots of old posts (just the boring ones) and replacing lots of tiny blurred featured images which made me very nostalgic about the glory days of blogging. I really miss writing more about random stuff and since social media doesn’t really show my posts to anyone, I may as well blog to nobody instead. Expect a lot more posts here!

Book my trip to Berlin
The most exciting one! I had to put this off last year and even though money is still tight, I really need to have a proper holiday outside of Scotland (it’s been over four years!). So this is a shorter trip (4 full days) at the end of April and I can’t wait.

Finish my 2 Christmas gift kits
I got off to a very fast start on this and almost completed my felt garland kit by the 15th. Unfortunately it is not working out to hang where I wanted it to and I am quite frankly sulking. I’ll get over it soon! Then I just need to get the glue gun out once more to finish off the last bits so it can hang in a different spot.

Read all the physical books in my bedside table TBR stack
I read 2/4 already! And then I went to the library and borrowed 4 new books… It’s a very long time since I’ve been able to take a photo of a book stack so here you – the top 3 my dad lent me and the rest are library books, which all look like good daytime reads. I’m also 6 books ahead of schedule with my reading challenge.

Make a list of new recipes to try, especially from my cookbooks
This had a bit of unexpected help from author VE Schwab’s newsletter* where she shared this template for a 2024 bingo sheet (issue 9b). I realised it would be perfect for recipes as it’s easy to see everything together and I get the fun of ticking them off without feeling like I’ve failed if I don’t do them all.
I also started a second one for travel, which has everything from international cities to restaurants in my town so that will be a nice reminder to go out and do things. They’re both less than half filled in so far but I can keep adding to them. I’m definitely not sharing them publicly but I will blog about the things I do/make.
*well worth subscribing too if you’re interested in writing/publishing or what life is like for a successful author (with adorable pets) as she shares a lot of personal and professional stuff. See the link above to subscribe.
In future, I’ll be adding a little Plans & Goals Update section to my monthly recap posts. My biggest problem in previous years was that I instantly forgot everything I planned so this should help me remember to keep working towards my goals.