Here’s a look back at my 2024 reading challenge and my reading goals for 2025.

After failing my reading challenge last year, I set it to a more achievable 40 books for 2024. I managed to smash that and even almost got back to my pre-pandemic book a week. Here’s a few stats:
- Fiction: 24 / Non-Fiction: 23 / Comics: 4
- Ebooks: 37 / real books: 14 / of those, borrowed: 8
I’m always surprised at how equally I split my reading fiction/non-fiction as I feel like I read way more NF. You can read about them all on my Books, Comics & Zines I Read in 2024 page.

And here’s my favourite books. 2 comics, 2 non-fiction and 4 fiction is a nice spread. I read a lot of good books this year but most didn’t quite get a 5 star rating.

I also joined Storygraph recently was able to import all my data for some extra stats. Though top authors is nonsense as it includes an author I read once over at least 2 others I read twice.

In reading goal successes, I read Dracula in the format it was actually intended to be read and, shockingly, read all the physical books in my bedside table TBR stack (though I did DNF one and donate it). My reading table above now only has my new Kindle and a pile of hopeful bookmarks! I failed to get my Unread folders under 30 books overall but it’s at 34 so fairly close.
2025 Challenge & Goals
I’ve set my reading challenge to 48 books, though I’m hoping to get to 52. If you’re doing one too, feel free to friend me on Goodreads or Storygraph. I don’t think I have any other goals – maybe to visit secondhand book shops and the library more often, now that my new glasses make reading print books easier. Oh, and see what other unread books are lurking on my shelves and make a list at least.