The world is even more terrible than last year but I still managed to have some good times. Let’s have a look back.

I started the year by setting some 2019 Plans & Goals (which I mostly forgot about) and sharing How I’m Staying Organised in 2019 (much more successful!). On the business side, I changed over to ‘free’ UK shipping and designed some Spring Flowers pin and patterns and a new set of printable calendar bookmarks. I also wrote about some Useful Things I Bought in Japan.

In February, I hibernated a bit to plan out the year. That involved changing my Patreon to themed months, which I enjoyed so much, and rejigging my shop a little to separate out my digital products. I also made some New Planets Badges and a 100 Days of Kawaii Characters ebook.

March is my birthday month and I took part in March Meet The Maker again, though I found it a bit repetitive this year. I did another Custom Stamps Week including Happy Mail stamps and added some Pencil & Rainbow Stickers to my range. I was finally able to post about Unboxing My 100 Days of Kawaii Characters Surprise Box after the last one sold and added the printable Kawaii Crepe Fold-Up Notelets to my shop.

April was when lots of hard work started to pay off. It was 3 months until my book publication and I was able to share a look inside, plus I was interviewed for The Japan Times about Rilakkuma. My Patreon was also inspiring lots of fun things including a New Stationery Collection with mini memo sheets, lots of Bunny Month Projects and a patron-only Trouble Club Shop. Other new products included Cute Cats Polymer Stamps.

May was a bit of a quiet month as I took the first of many short trips (this time up North) and cleared out some old stock with a sale and lucky bags. I added some new Happy Pencils designs inspired by Snail Mail Month on Patreon and I was the Zazzle Featured Designer of the month with a new interview. I also started learning German and bought a big Rilakkuma plush, little knowing they’d become important parts of my year.

June saw the results of Tiny Things Month on Patreon making their way into my shop with New Wooden Pins, Badges & Stickers and Fabric Patterns. I was also very excited to offer Signed Copies of The Super Cute Book of Kawaii! and never expected to sign 100 by the end of the year. I shared a very positive update about my Eco-Friendly Packaging: A Year On and restarted my Pinterest account.

July was huge for me as The Super Cute Book of Kawaii was finally published! It was so thrilling getting the boxes of books and seeing peoples’ photos. I went down to London to promote it and even took a very rare selfie. I also published a new Day in the Life Zine as part of Work/Life Month on Patreon and celebrated the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary. I shared a few posts about our Fife Holiday including a Puffin Trip to the Isle of May and Cowden Japanese Garden, plus some Brass Rubbing & Embossing trails.

August had more book fun as I did a Kawaii Donuts Craft Workshop at Hannah Zakari. My Kawaii Motivation designs added some extra positivity to my on-demand stores and I caught up on Summer Holiday Patreon Projects. My freelance site got a redesign too as part of my 2019 Plans & Goals Update.

September had me very busy getting prepared for Halloween and Christmas shopping. Holo Ghosts & Glitter Ghosts arrived, along with a Happy Mail Collection & 4 Sticker Sheets and lots of New Cards at Thortful. Patreon got some Japan Memories including a special illustrated post about all my souvenir pillows.

October was catch-up time, sharing 10 Photos From Utrecht & Amsterdam and some news about The Super Cute Book of Kawaii. As part of Spooky Autumn Month on Patreon I designed a new 2020 Calendar: Ghost Favourites, updated all my old calendars and published a new edition of my Let’s Make Zines! zine. Plus What’s In My New Bag?

November was still a bit spooky as I was making more ghosts for Cosy Home Month on Patreon including a paper doll! I also made some new Tea & Battenberg Cake patterns and updated my 5 Year Diary for 2020-2024. Some of my wooden pins got a redesign and I added a very cute Postbox & Letter set. Most excitingly, I was able to sell Cute Socks through Redubble and ordered my Happy Mail design for a Redbubble Socks Review.

December was very busy and I had to post a big catch up post to cover another successful day at Etsy Made Local Glasgow, my new MacBook and a free little London Zine. It was a double month on Patreon but I was able to create some Cats in Party Hats to finish off a big year of new patterns.
Big thanks to everyone who bought my products, read my blog, joined my Patreon and interacted on social media. I wouldn’t be able to do so many fun things without you. Hope we all have a great 2020!